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Why do I need to validate and approve future state workflows?

Prioritizing accuracy in your future state workflows during implementation.

At Cirface, we prioritize the accuracy of your future state workflows during the Implementation phase. Here's a simplified guide to our process:

  1. Approval Needed: Before we start developing solutions, we need your confirmation that the provided workflows reflect your ideal future operations.
  1. Review All Steps: Whether a workflow is short and simple or long and intricate, it's crucial that you review and approve every step.
  1. Post-Approval Changes: If changes are needed after approval, please submit a support ticket. This helps us assess the impact and adjust our plans if necessary.
  1. Hold Off On Changes: After approving your workflows, we request that you refrain from altering related processes and technology. See our "Pausing Changes" section for more details.

We appreciate your collaboration to ensure a smooth implementation.

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